Hope the Therapy Dog


The Therapy Dog ❤

Our 8 year old, chocolate lab bundle of joy
pink ribbon

They say that a dog is man’s best friend. We certainly agree, especially when it comes to Hope, our lovable, friendly, furry companion. No, she’s not a counselor, nutritionist, or dietitian. But, she is a therapy dog and she does have her own list of accomplishments. Among her favorites is winning the Big Canoe Fourth of July Dog Parade in 2018 and coming in as runner up in 2019!

Born April 13, 2015 into a family of therapy dogs, Hope has been a part of our family since she was just 10 weeks old. As a member of our team, her energetic, affectionate, and sociable nature brings a smile to everyone’s face.

Why Do We Have a Therapy Dog?

At New Hope Counseling & Wellness Center, we strive to bring hope, joy, and happiness to people’s lives. We do this through personalized nutrition, eating disorder recoverysustainable weight loss solutions, and counseling. How does a therapy dog fit into this process?

The answer is quite simple. Animals are often able to connect with people on a deeper level than what is possible through human to human interaction. As a Labrador, Hope has many inherent traits that make it even easier to do this. With her friendly demeanor and sunny disposition, Hope provides comfort, attention, and unconditional love to everyone she meets. These are traits that sometimes speak louder than our own words and actions. They can even promote emotional healing and brighten the darkest of days.

Whether you’re facing the challenges of an eating disorder, seeking a lasting weight management solution, or you just need an emotional pick-me-up, our cheerful therapy dog is ready to help. You might have to pull her away from playing with her cousins Maddie and Huck. Or, she may con you into playing fetch with “Small” and “Blue” (her favorite balls) or hide and seek with “Squeak” and “Orange”. But, rest assured, she’s ready to give you her heart and be the friend you need.

Hope the Therapy Dog
New Hope Counseling & Wellness Center logo

New Hope Counseling & Wellness Center in Columbia, SC and Atlanta, GA, Florida, and Virginia

Offering Counseling and Therapy for Nutrition, Eating Disorders, Trauma, and PTSD to those in South Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia

The guiding principle of New Hope Counseling and Wellness Center, LLC is to empower and provide individuals and families with the skills they need to be nourished, healed, and restored in order to pursue a life filled with joy and hope. We offer faith-based services for those wishing to include their spirituality as a component in their sessions. While we offer faith-based counseling as one method to achieve this mission, we strive to provide a safe, compassionate, and professional environment for everyone. We do not discriminate, shame or judge and strive to provide quality care to all regardless of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, weight, physical or mental ability, and marital status.