Photo By: Hannah Lozano Photography
Eating Disorder Treatment, Counseling and Therapy
New Hope Counseling and Wellness Center Treatment for Eating Disorders in Columbia, Soda City Area Richland County
We believe in full recovery. The two most important factors in treatment are your therapeutic alliance (how well you mesh with your providers) and HOPE. Did you know these factors are more important than any single treatment approach? You do not have to walk this path alone. We know firsthand that you took a scary step by reaching out. We will be with you each step of the path toward recovery. Welcome! We HOPE that you find a home at New HOPE. We are proud to offer a comprehensive approach with a variety of eating disorder treatment options. We are here to provide the skills and support for sustainable changes and life lasting recovered living.
Individualized Treatment Plans
We believe in client-centered treatment. Each client is unique, including how they got to us and their stories. Your journey in recovery will not be the same as other clients. New Hope’s philosophy is to treat the whole person. Based on the results from an in-depth assessment, you will collaborate with a team member to create a treatment plan that meets your individual goals. Eating disorder treatment may require incorporating family members or other support persons, meal support, various evidenced-based treatments, and holistic alternatives to create a customized plan for you. Additionally, New Hope offers the integration of faith into treatment for clients choosing this option. We look forward to joining you on your path toward recovered living.
Individual Nutrition Therapy and Counseling
Nutritional rehabilitation is the cornerstone of recovery. Nutrition rehabilitation and stabilization of eating patterns are typically the first goals in recovery. We believe meeting each person they are at. We are available between sessions to track progress through our patient portal system (HEALTHIE). As the process of nutrition rehabilitation proceeds, we begin to work on other treatment goals such as challenging disordered thoughts, distorted body image, and repairing relationships. We do this through a variety of techniques using a collaborative approach at New Hope. Working with clients in facing real-life situations allows each person to work through triggering scenarios and establish health responses without using disordered behaviors.
Meal Support
We provide meal support through individual sessions, in family meals, in group settings, and through restaurant outings. This is available both in-person and through tele-health. Meal support is a great way to practice using internal hunger cues, pacing of meals, incorporating new foods, eating in front of others, and practicing family meals together. Benefits of meal support include healing the relationship of food, eating, and the body/self, changing the disordered thoughts related to food, eating, and the body, promoting self-esteem and autonomy, and empowering you to make choices about your food. Meal support is an anti-diet treatment.
Grocery Shopping
We will go through the grocery store and teach skills to decrease anxiety. We will first work with you on purchasing items on your meal plan and gradually expand the exposure.
*Some services may not be available through tele-health.
Restaurant Outings
Eating out can be difficult during recovery. We will teach you the needed skills to be able to order from a menu, eat in restaurants, and enjoy engaging with others. You will find that participating in these experientials becomes less anxiety-provoking as you are able to process the experience with our experienced clinicians.
*Some services may not be available through tele-health.
Exposure Therapies
Trauma Informed/Sensitive Yoga
Counseling for Co-Occurring Conditions.
Eating disorders often occur alongside a spectrum of other psychiatric and developmental disorders. Common Co-occurring disorders are anxiety, substance abuse, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. It is important to consider these when formulating an eating disorder treatment plan. We use a team approach to treat both conditions together. Whether you are visiting us in-person or via tele-health, you do not have to travel far to see your providers because New Hope has what you need. Additionally, we have a network of eating disorder informed providers should we need to make any additional referrals.
Group Therapy
Group Therapy
Click here to join a free group that we offer on Facebook. We offer various groups depending on the current need. If you have a specific interest, please let us know!
Eating disorder treatment is now more accessible! With just a computer and internet connection or smartphone, you and/or your loved one can participate in a comprehensive virtual treatment with our team. This treatment is now available in many states throughout the country. Tele-health is a great option for those who live or work a great distance from our office. Additionally, it is a great option for those with difficult schedules. We will work with you to make appointments accessible wherever you are! Other benefits for tele-health or virtual treatment are being able to work with your provider on challenges that you encounter in your home environment. We can eat with you in your kitchen, troubleshoot triggers in your home environment, and do exposure work. Our recovery coach is available to meet with you anywhere in the country or worldwide. We are also available for nutrition coaching throughout much of the country. Contact us with any questions.
Working With Your School And/Or Athletic Team
At New Hope Counseling & Wellness Center we serve Richland County and Lexington County with Eating Disorder and Nutritionist Counseling Services including...
Eating Disorder Treatment
Eating Disorder Counseling
Binge Eating Disorder Treatment
Anorexia Nervosa Treatment
Bulimia Nervosa Treatment
Family Based Therapy
Online & Virtual Eating Disorder Therapy
Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder (OSFED)
New Hope Counseling & Wellness Center in Columbia, SC and Atlanta, GA, Florida, and Virginia
Offering Counseling and Therapy for Nutrition, Eating Disorders, Trauma, and PTSD to those in South Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia
The guiding principle of New Hope Counseling and Wellness Center, LLC is to empower and provide individuals and families with the skills they need to be nourished, healed, and restored in order to pursue a life filled with joy and hope. We offer faith-based services for those wishing to include their spirituality as a component in their sessions. While we offer faith-based counseling as one method to achieve this mission, we strive to provide a safe, compassionate, and professional environment for everyone. We do not discriminate, shame or judge and strive to provide quality care to all regardless of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, weight, physical or mental ability, and marital status.