I recently read an article in Forbes Magazine about New Years’ Resolutions. The authors agreed with me on this one. New Years’ Resolutions are actually not a good idea. Why are they so popular? They remain popular despite only 25% of individuals remaining committed to them by the end of January and less than 10% achieving them (in the short term). The more popular resolutions involve diets, exercise, work performance, finances, and changing a habit. So, what is the problem? The concept of New Year’s Resolutions make sense. It is the beginning of the year. Let’s turn over a new leaf. Change something. Start something.
Why do so many fail?
Let’s look at the three main reasons that so many New Year’s Resolutions are put on the back burner before January 31st.
- It is a resolution based on what we think we should be. Is it what you really want? Or are you trying to change based on the messages from society or others?
- It’s too vague.
- No realistic plan in place
January can be a difficult time for those trying to stay clear of the diet, fat-shaming, food talk. More than 50% of New Years’ Resolutions involve weight loss. Dieting alone does not work. When we combine this with a New Years’ resolution that already has a low success rate, the numbers do not look very good.
Instead of setting a New Years’ resolution, let’s think of the goals we want to accomplish this year. What do you want to do? Make sure your goal is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-based. Write down your goals, share them with an accountability partner, and track your progress. Set your goals on what you want, not the societal messages.
I’d love to hear about your goals and progress. Let’s share and motivate each other on my FB page https://www.facebook.com/nutritionandtherapy/
Amy Helms, LMSW, MS, RD, LD, CLT
Hi! I’m Amy, the founder of New Hope Counseling and Wellness Center, LLC. I’m an experienced therapist and dietitian and I believe in the power of human connection and self-compassion to foster growth and powerful transformation. I have dedicated my career to counseling, supervising, and teaching in the field of nutrition, body image, intuitive eating, eating disorders, and food allergies. Please reach out if I can support you on your journey.