Holiday Eating Disorder Survival Guide

Holiday Eating Disorder Survival Guide

When you are recovering from an eating disorder, the holidays can be less than jolly. So, let’s identify what is harmful and make a plan on how to survive the holidays with an eating disorder. While good cheer and tidings of joy abound, the reality is, the holidays...
What is PMDD and How is it Different from PMS?

What is PMDD and How is it Different from PMS?

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: When “That Time of the Month” Becomes Debilitating Most women are adversely impacted by their monthly menstrual cycles on some level, but a small percentage may suffer disproportionately with a debilitating condition called...
How to Recognize and Help Domestic Violence Victims

How to Recognize and Help Domestic Violence Victims

While many people may think of domestic violence as being prevalent in foreign countries where women are marginalized, the reality is that domestic violence is also widespread in the US. On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate...