Recognizing warning signs of a potential relapse is an important step in recovery from the eating disorder you have worked so hard to battle. When you know what to look for, you can support your child through these warning signs and avoid slips or relapses and...
How Sororities Can Help Change the Conversation around Eating Disorders in College College can be one of the most exciting times in a young person’s life. But for some, the big changes and new pressures can put these students at risk of developing disordered eating...
Talking about eating disorders is no longer as taboo as it used to be. In the United States, nearly 28 million people say they have suffered from an eating disorder at some point in their life. And while eating disorders involve disordered eating habits around food,...
Why can’t we just be happy with our bodies? This seemingly simple question prompts some complex answers. While depression, dysmorphia, bullying, and unhealthy relationships with social media can contribute to low self-esteem or dissatisfaction with our bodies, the...
For many, college can be an exciting time, but for those students who suffer from an eating disorder, this new college experience comes with a lot of personal responsibility. Because for many, college can also be a triggering experience. The increase in schoolwork,...
The Fourth of July may bring thoughts of travel, parties, and outdoor fun in the sun for many, but for those in recovery from an eating disorder, the act of celebrating or vacationing is often a source of stress. But freedom from the eating disorder is possible...